Preparation H For Puffy Eyes How Do You Make This Preparation H For Puffy Eye Bags?

How do you make this preparation H for puffy eye bags? - preparation h for puffy eyes

I mean, there is a legal home remedies? Save details? What things do I need?
My pockets are my problems, as a student, give me a few hours sleep, but I want to look good when I go to school. Eye Make Me Feel old, and I'm only 19 years


Jan J said...

Preparation H is not a home remedy. It is sold without a prescription at a pharmacy and most grocery stores. Are you ready for this? Its main purpose is to alleviate, and swelling of hemorrhoids. If you are not sure what they are, you might want to look at WebMD. It comes in a cooling gel, a formulation based on the petroleum jelly and cream. I suggest you sleep, and try cucumber slices on the eyelids.

the new Mrs. H said...

I've heard that Preparation H will not work. You could try to get some chilled chamomile tea bags, and wet for them. Once cooled put them on your eyes. I have also heard that massage can get rid of under the eyes of an accumulation of fluid, which causes pockets.

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