Index Of Female Orgasm .jpg Male Vs Female Orgasm Incomparable?

Male vs Female Orgasm Incomparable? - index of female orgasm .jpg

It's like my third question is concerned, there is still no clear answer.

After days of comparison is what I came with:


- You can multiple orgasms
- You can more orgasms
- More than 8,000 layoffs clit ever


- You want sex more often and more easily become
- Often fall asleep after sex, shows satisfaction
- Non-endings: Varies
Uncut has more than 20,000 nerve endings, more than cut

I think it is individual rather than sex, but if someone knows better, please.

Who has the best orgasm?

Sources: ... ...


Kristen O said...

Maybe you want to know that men have a clitoris.

And the male clitoris and the clitoris are the same size
(in relative terms when adjusted for body size).

The clitoris, in women and men, is much larger than the
Tip profile that you see on a woman. It really is the size of an erect penis.

Most of the orgasm feeling a person feels it comes from their male clitoris is the tip of the clitoris the most sensitive.

Therefore, since both men and women have an orgasm in particular
the clitoris, it is likely that the experience of orgasm may be nearly equal for all.

This discovery was made by the Harvard academic Sevely Josephine in 1987.

See Part 2 of the pleasure of neurons pressure in the following link:

Connor said...

Men can have multiple orgasms and not just women.

No one can question for you more than a man that sets a man and a woman have an orgasm with a response, or MRI so that nerve impulses and actions. Even then it is hard to say.

Although I say exsperience personal uncircumcised men have much better orgasms then circumcised men. They are stronger and much longer than if you were circumcised.


Lance Bloodbane said...

from the perspective of the anthropology of women orgasm more intense, as people stood, the position is flowing Venn women sperm, so that an orgasm is there to remove the women for the same time, the sperm a better chance to give
while the men must be capable of what they were doing, and to protect his countrymen to return

independ... said...

I believe that after many conversations with men than women in the agreement. I know there are a few toes curling with men, but women have an intense experience. Physically and emotionally. I do not think people can say.

independ... said...

I believe that after many conversations with men than women in the agreement. I know there are a few toes curling with men, but women have an intense experience. Physically and emotionally. I do not think people can say.

independ... said...

I believe that after many conversations with men than women in the agreement. I know there are a few toes curling with men, but women have an intense experience. Physically and emotionally. I do not think people can say.

BROWNLYN said...

I can not say that I have a better orgasm than men, because I am a man, so do not know how they feel, but I can tell you that I love my orgasms and I think that my husband loves his

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